is nothing quite as demoralizing as writhing in pain for a two weeks, needing a
surgery, waking up begging for morphine—only to have the doctor hand you a vile
of what looks like sand (they had to blast my kidney stone) and thinking—ALL THAT TROUBLE FOR THIS!!!
from the pain I think the worst part of the ordeal was being so tired. Pain
killers are the worst. I could barely focus. I tried writing and everything was
garbled. I tried reading and fell asleep every time. Yuck!
so happy to be coherent! Thanks for all the nice thoughts and wishes, I really
appreciated it :)
Sorry you had to go through all that, but glad you're coming out the other side :-)
Glad you're back! :)
So glad to see you back!
yay! so glad you're functional again! missed ya!
So glad you're feeling better! I can't imagine how painful that must have been. And your daughter's expression is hilarious!
Yay yay! So happy you are on the mend. It is a bit ridiculous that something so small could deliver such misery. At least with labor you get a baby out of it. Stones and dust are a terrible payoff.
YAY! You're back!! :D I'm so happy you're doing better!
That face is priceless! Lol. And I'm glad my chanting around the computer helped you out :)
Glad to have you back! I hope your recovery continues to go well!
I hate painkillers.
I hate being in bed.
I hate feeling all woozy.
It's really annoying when you're lying there, all uncomfortable, and you think - I could be writing with this time or reading with this time and you just don't have the energy or focus for either.
I really hope you're up and about and back to normal soon!
Yay! You're back, and you're not stoned anymore! Hahahaha! I guess you don't have a future as a drug dealer, do you? : )
Glad you're feeling better, Angie. You were missed!
Oh dear! I'm sorry about the kidney stone and the surgery. I'm glad to hear you're on the mend, though!
Whew! I suppose if the littlest things can bring us joy, then it would make sense that the smallest things can also bring pain? Either way, glad you're feeling better overall! :)
HA! I love the picture:) Kids reactions are priceless. But man, imagine that rubbing in all the wring places and I am so happy for you that it is gone and you are feeling better. Welcome back Angie!
I'm so glad you are feeling better. I've never had kidney stones, but they sound horrid.
The look on her face really is priceless! And I love what she said! HA! That's awesome. I'm so glad you are feeling better though. Good to have you back!
We're glad that you're back :)
Welcome Back Sista! I love that you captured your daughters expression. Fantastic! :)
Oh no! Looks like I found your blog just as you were recovering. Glad to hear everything is better:)
Oh my gosh, that picture is just adorable. HAHAHA I love it.
Love the picture ;) I'm glad you're better now!
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