Yet another happy surprise in the world of blogging. Jaye Robin Brown, of Hanging on to Wonder, (which is such a lovely name BTW!) has nominated Live to Write for the Versatile Blogger Award. :) It technically goes to both Angie and I, but I'll do the honors since Angie is out of commission at the moment. Thank you Jaye for taking the time to check out our blog and be such an awesome participant. Thank you so much!
So, here's the skinny:
1. In a post on your blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.(or 5 like me - you will not be smited.)
2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.
And that's about it! So, here we go. Seven lesser known facts about me:
1. I was once offered 100 camels for my hand in marriage. The man was Arabic, twice my age, and had lost most of his teeth, but I'll be honest - I was a little flattered. But mostly freaked out! ;)

2. When I write I don't listen to music. At first it was because I always had a sleeping child in the next room, but now, I just enjoy the silence. Instead of music, I read my manuscript out loud to myself. It's so great, because I catch a lot of errors and my dialogue feels more authentic.
3. If I do listen to music, I'm an ABBA fan and I listen to vintage Michael Jackson when I need to feel amazing and 'out of this world-cool'!

4. I'm one half Icelandic and I feel like Iceland is one of the best kept secrets of the world (at least before I blew the whistle on it!). I've been there during the Winter and the Summer and I have never seen a place more beautiful in all my life. You should go ... seriously, it's amazing!
5. When I was 19 years old, I took a train across the country to live in North Carolina without having ever visited there, without family or friends and with no expectations of what I would find. It was an adventure and may be the best decision I ever made. I thank my parents every day for going along with it! :)
6. I had four children in four years. Two sets of Irish Twins and I LOVE them beyond words. :)
7. In my high school, a play I wrote called, "Irish Eyes" was chosen, with a few others, to be produced. It was student directed and student acted. It was an amazing experience and gave me the confidence I needed to begin to wonder if I could really write. :)
Okay, that's it for me ... And now for my nominations ... I know many of you have received this award, but I'm going to acknowledge your versatility and coolness anyway!
1. Brooke from The Blank Page . I was an instant fan when she talked about her LOVE of the VHS and 80's movies. She's down to earth, a busy mom and from what I can tell, a great person. She's new to the blog-o-sphere and so far, I've thoroughly enjoyed her posts!
2. Kim Karras, of Confessions of a Bibliophile. Kim is so kind, and has intelligent comments as well as posts. She's a great writer. She balances a busy life with blogging and I will always admire that. Her posts cover a variety of topics and reach a lot of different readers. Thanks Kim.
3. Shelley and Chad of Writing with Shelley and Chad. I became a fan when Shelley flew solo as Small Town Shelley Brown. I was so new to all this blogging stuff, and she was so encouraging. Their blog is hilarious and fun and full of heart. The most memorable post for me was about why Shelley shaved her head. Everyone should read it because she's a great example of living and living well! Thanks Shelley and you too Chad. :)
4. Donna Weaver, Weaving a Tale or Two. I have recently stumbled onto Donna's blog and I love it. I have never met her, but here's the thing: I feel like I could sit at her feet and just listen to her stories! She's awesome. Do any of you know how many places she's lived? Or visited? She's got a great perspective on life and living and I enjoy all of the insights that she brings to the table. And yes, Donna, you are a superstar blogger!
5. Peggy Eddleman, Will Write for Cookies. It's not all about the cookies, but c'mon - how cool is that? She unites all of us cookie lovers! Not only does she post some incredibly delicious pictures and recipes, she is an author that I think we'll see a lot of. She's full of gratitude for her latest book that will be published this September the thirteenth and continues to share all kinds of good thoughts, quotes and advice on her blog. She takes the time to make amazing comments too, and I honestly don't know how she has the time. Thank you Peggy!
6. E.R. King, Get Busy Writing. Emily not only has a stupendous pen name, but she is a team player. She offers honest, real comments that have, btw, helped me so much. Plus she does all kinds of stuff on her blog - interviews, giveaways, Mentor Mondays, blog hops, etc. She's versatile, serious about her writing and always extends a helping hand. Thanks Emily.
7. Leigh Covington . Another amazing pen name! Leigh is always supporting Angie and I on the blog and throws out all kinds of good contests and hops as well. She also is a great participant, putting herself and her writing out there. She's good and she's motivated, and that's a contagious cocktail! I appreciate it, and glean a lot from her enthusiasm.
8. J.A. Bennett. I didn't know Jennifer or her blog prior to The Wrap it Up Blog Hop. She co-hosted it with David Powers King and Leigh Covington. I participated and began following Jennifer's blog. Jennifer writes beautifully. Her website is so calming too ... that probably sounds strange, but I enjoy the simplicity that she brings to the table as well as her great knowledge base of writing and craft.
9. David Powers King. I heard of David through the same blog hop as I mentioned above. But I've continued following him because he knows so much! He's down to earth and puts stuff out there (especially in regards to Sci Fi and Fantasy) in such a way that I feel encouraged, not in over my head. He really knows his stuff, but he also really wants to see people succeed and that is apparent in all of his posts.
10. Mel Fowler, Adventure Writes. First of all, Mel has one of my favorite blog titles. Mel is a bit of a mentor to me, without knowing it. She's exudes enthusiasm and seems to just jump in with both feet. I participated in one of her give-aways - my first ever - and had a great experience.
10. Kelly Lynn, Between the Bookends. Here's another blogger that jumps off the page! She's got great comments and fun posts. She's so committed and willing to put herself out there and risk. I admire that, and am still working on that!
11. Angela Brown. Her post today, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. is indicative of all her posts. She's thoughtful, humble, determined and grateful to be able to pursue her own dream. I admire her and have benefited from her comments. Thanks Angela!
12. Nick Wilford, Scattergun Scribblings. I'm new to Nick's blog, but he's commented on our blog a few times and really offered some great thoughts. He's down to earth and isn't afraid to disagree and discuss it. He offers a very fresh perspective, and I appreciate his posts. He's genuine and is giving his writing every opportunity out there.
Okay, I'm going to wrap it up at 12 awards - it's my lucky number. There are so many others who have greatly influenced me, so thanks to all of you who pop onto our blog and whose blogs inspire me to keep going! Thanks everyone and thank you again Jaye for noticing our efforts on Live to Write!
Thanks so much for the award Sara!! And may I ask...why North Carolina?? :)
Thanks for the award! Even before I read your post alerting me to it, I was thinking it was about time to do an award blog post. Once we're back from vacation, it'll be no more rest for the weary.
I also follow many of these blogs and love them, too. Thanks again!
Oh, Sara. You made me blush! Thanks so much for your kind words and the award.
BTW, you're a 200 camel gal. :D
You are a bargain at 100 camels--I think your worth at least 200 hundred! This was so funny. I laughed so hard I think I pulled something. Good thing I'm still on pain killers :)
Thats funny about the camels. You must really be spectacular, I don't have anything cool like that about me :)
THanks for the award, I'll get it up sometime this week....oh and Sara, there is a League of Utah Writers Metting on Wednesday at the Logan Library at 6:30, then we can really meet :)
Ooh, congrats on the award you guys! And vintage Michael is awesome! I've got that Just Dance game of his and it's pretty much all I wanna do when I get bored. :)
Two sets of twins -- you brave soul! Thank you for the lovely words about my blog. Means a lot!
Dude! Thanks for the award! I will most surely participate! I am dying at your "bits of info." 100 camels for your hand in marriage. For real? Flattering yet freaky, - YES! And 4 kids in 4 years! You are my hero. Especially twins. They would be so fun, but so hard! You ROCK! Thanks again for the award!
I'm still thinking about number one! Wow. Nice to learn more about you, Sara!
100 camels? Wow! You should be so flattered! That's WAY more than 8 cows. ;) It was great to find out more about you! And thank you so much for sending the award my way, and for doing it in such a sweet way. Now I'm the one that's flattered!
And congrats to all the other recipients, too! I already know and love all but two of them. And thanks to you, now I know the other two!
Thanks so much for award! What a great group of bloggers! Glad to be found among them.
4 kids in four years trumps my 4 in 5. And nobody offered any livestock for my hand. They should have but they didn't ;)
Thank you very much, this was totally unexpected! And congrats to you, too. I'll check out the other nominees who I'm not already following, as well as Jaye. :)
I think some bloke once made my dad an offer for my mum to the tune of about 200 camels when we were in Tunisia. They must keep them on constant standby...
You should have taken the camels! Haha, what an amazing story! I'm adding Iceland to my list of dream vacations. And I'm off to check out some blogs. :)
I have my one Chipmunk. I can only bow at your feet, oh brave one, bearer of two sets of twins. Some of the others you passed the award to are ones I frequent. Your descriptions of each of them are so spot on.
By the way, I'm blushing like a school girl here. This is such an honor. Thank you SOOO much. Okay, I'm going to figure out how to stop blushing so hard.
100 camels? Wow, what a lucky lady! Congrats on the blog award!
Sara-Congrats on your Award! I have loved reading this blog - and have so much to learn about blogging from you and others!
The play from high school sounds fun - I love the title! And congrats on surviving 2 sets of Irish Twins! Whew! You obviously could also win a mom award! I must also add that I'm jealous you can claim Iceland in your heritage. It's one of my dreams to visit that amazing little country.
I looooooooooooove Michael Jackson.
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