Daily reminder of the I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest starting next Monday :) You can always write your posts ahead of time and be all prepared and stuff.
When Angie told me about her Kidney Stones, I immediately thought of my sister, the Good Witch of the North. She has helped dozens of my family members with kidney stones and other health issues, so I thought, why not? Her real name is Colleen, but about 15 years ago, she decided to become a homeopathic doctor and ever since, we’ve lovingly called her the Good Witch of the North. I offered my sister’s prescription to Angie: A six-pack of Coca-Cola, Prickley Ash, Pineapple Juice and a pound of asparagus. Angie has opted for traditional medicine. Go figure! So while my sister’s knowledge is not of much help, I have agreed to take on Angie’s posts this week while she goes through this ordeal. My wishes to Angie for a speedy recovery!
For those of you who don’t know me, I am Angie’s critique partner, Sara Bulla. I usually post on Tuesdays, though I’ve never formally introduced myself to the blog. I thought I’d do so now.
You already know my sister, the Good Witch of the North, and there are ten other siblings besides me. I am the youngest of this groovy crew pictured above. My mom is still living, but my sweet Dad passed away just over a year ago. My Dad always believed I could be a writer. From reading my stories and plays in high school, to sliding clippings about a poetry or short story contest under my nose every once in a while, he was always my number one supporter.
My brother joked at his funeral that he fully expected my dad to ‘haunt us’ from the other side if we weren’t recycling, weeding our gardens, voting responsibly or building up our food storage (all important issues for him!). Well, I believe my dad has haunted me in a way. Last spring, I felt for the first time in a long time, that I needed to pick up my pen and start writing again. Being a mom has been my ‘career’ and still is, but in the months after my Dad’s passing, I just felt this added urgency and excitement to jump back in and try out my talents and love of Writing.
I promise that I won’t dedicate this entire week to my personal drivel, but I did want to salute my Dad and thank him for being the angel on my shoulder while I give this endeavor a go. J
I am the mother of four amazing kids, three girls and one boy. I’m so blessed. As for my writing background, other than a few scattered honors and awards in high school, most of my writing has been off the radar and done for the sheer pleasure of it. I now hope to expand any literary talent that I naturally possess and try to transition from writer to published author. I appreciate the help I’ve received from Angie and other supporters of the blog. I love reading through many of your posts and learning about what rock-star writers you all are. It’s a pleasure to rub shoulders with you in the blog-o-sphere!