K, that may be a
little more Andy Griffith than Kentucky girl me. Hopefully my Podunk roots
aren't that deep:-) Ha! They probably are. Best to embrace my red neck
side. Ya'll is probably used in my vocab more than I'd like to admit:-) But I
promise people, I really can spell.
Anyhoo, I'm thrilled
to be here...and quite intimidated to follow so many totally cute interviews. I
hope I don't bomb...or ramble...like I'm doing now...
Angie: Don't worry, I'm a fan of the rambling :) and I LOVE the
drawl. But you're right yours isn't so pronounced.
Alright y'all on to
the first question...Name one food, one TV show (or movie) and one book you
can't live without.
Deana: Oh crap. You've gotta start with the REALLY hard
stuff. Let me see...
Food: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Lucky Charms. I know I'm a real health
TV Show: Just one? Really? I guess Vampire Diaries even though Elana drives me
crazy sometimes.
Book: That is so hard because I'm not usually the type to read books over and
over. There are just too many. So what if I said my Kindle so I could buy the
new ones? Is that too much of a cop out?
Angie: We are soul
sisters I would pick all those things too!!! (Except the Lucky Charms—too soggy
too fast for me :)
Angie: I will let you
pick a Kindle just this time, but only if you answer a follow up question. What
is the BEST book you have read this year?
Angie: I LOVE a book that makes you drop everything. I've seen Sing
Me to Sleep, now I'm really going to have to read it!
Because I've been
thinking a lot about writing schedules for myself, I'm super
interested in what everyone else does. So when do you do most of your writing?
What kind of balance have you figured out? Tell me you have secrets.
Deana: Yeah, I have
secrets, but they aren't the balance kind. I do know that I am a better morning
writer so if I can get up, get the kids off to school and stay away from my
blog, Twitter and people in general, I'm good to go. But being a recluse is
hard sometimes :) On the other hand, when I get that fire burning for an idea
that needs to come out, I'm lucky if I get showered and feed my kids cereal for
dinner. So balance...not so much.
Angie: I'm a total
moody writer. If I'm feeling it, I do great. If I'm not, my writing is garbage.
I still haven't figured out how to write well through a slump. I guess that is
the essence of a slump. LOL!
Deana: Ha! Now that
would be a secret to know: How to write amazing while you're in a slump. When
you find that out please let me know :-)
Angie: If I could figure it out, I'd be rich :)
Okay next question,
I'll even make it multiple choice--but you have to explain why.
What inspires you
A. Movies or TV (That
Damon is a dish :)
B. Nature (I
hear Kentucky is especially lovely)
C. Everyday life (Kids
say the darnedest things)
D. People (We are all
people watchers aren't we?)
E. Book (Need I say
If I absolutely
have to pick one it would be people. I love taking little quirks from people to
help create my characters. I suppose it's the people that really make books,
movies, life and even nature that much more appealing in my opinion.
Angie: You are like a
wisdom guru! Characters are really the only thing that matters! Tell me a
little about your favorite character from your WIP.
Deana: I would have
to say Mole is one of my favorites. She's a girl the mc, Kali, meets in a
mental institution from the past. Mole's battled so many demons in her young
life that she's developed multiple personalities to help her cope. I love a
flawed character and Mole is a mess! But her flaws are also her strengths and
actually allow her to grow through the story. She's just cool people in my book
(no pun intended).
Angie: You should intend the pun. It was funny :)
Angie: Mole sounds so interesting! Did you have to research
multiple personalities to write her? I read a book years ago about multiple
personalities and it scared the crap out of me!!!
Angie: I'm a believer too :)
Okay, time for the
last question (that went by fast). Of course it needs to be a pageant question,
and you're a southern bell straight from pageant country so I expect great
things from you!
On to the
question...What is the greatest gift you've ever been given? And why.
As for my
greatest gift? I could go the pageant route and say something like "my
life" or "my family". But like I said, I was never good with the
pageants so I'll stick to my greatest writer gifts.
I have two. One
was the Storymakers Writer's conference I just got back from. Between my husband's
Marriot points and my Dads sky miles, I got to meet tons of awesome bloggers
(you being one of course), I learned loads, and got to experience life out
My second
greatest gift was received this past Christmas. My computer crashed right in
the middle of editing Ripple Effect and I was devastated. Until I got a knock
on my door and there on the porch was a brand new computer!
These two gifts
aren't just awesome because of how cool they are, but because they showed me
how much my family really believes in me as a writer, and that is about the
best gift I could imagine...until I land an agent and a book deal of course :-)
I can't believe
the interview is already over. It's been so much fun Angie!
Angie: You rocked it!
Seriously! I give you a standing ovation. Next time I'm in Kentucky or Alabama
we will do lunch! And let's plan on making Storymakers a standing yearly date :)
Deana: Sounds great
to me girl! Good luck with your move. When are you becoming a southern girl?
Angie: We are moving to Orlando Florida in July! Yikes!!! Talk
about culture shock.
Thanks for taking time
to let me interview you! You are awesome :)
Now that you all know Deana a little
better, jump on over to her blog and give her a little love :)
Oh, goody, I'm first!!! Deana is adorable. I know it's been a while, but you know how life gets in the way. I MUST check in more often. :)) Loved learning more about you, Deana! I know all about the drawl, being from Texas and all. And, if Elana would just pick one, I'd be much happier myself (go Damaen...he's so freakin' hot...did I just say that out loud?).
Thanks for posting, Angela. :))
Speaking of "magically delicious," Damaen is magically delicious. Sorry, he brings out my wild side.
Awesome interview! I used to be a baton twirler too lol!
Yay Candilynn! Another southerner:) And I would have to agree, Damien is magically delicious! I'm a sucker for Stephan(sp?) too:)
Kyra- Power to the baton twirlers! :)
Hooray, I loved this interview. And I don't know Deanna so I have to go visit her. Yes, Lucky Charms ARE magically delicious.
I LOVE DEANA! I had the pleasure of being in her Primer group at Storymakers and she is one of my new favorite people. So kind and sweet and when I read her notes on my 1st chapter, they come out in a southern drawl. :) Great interview!
Deana and Angie together in one post. *Swoon*
Deana, I'm glad your family is supporting your writing and that you feel the love from them. I hope you feel it from fellow bloggers like Angie and I, too.
Angie, thanks for having Deana! She really is an amazing writer and blogger. Great choice!
ohmygosh, this was such a fun interview! Lucky Charms are a complete weakness of mine, too. It's awful!
Yay for another TVD fan! Team Damon here. :)
That's awesome about the computer on your porch and that your family is so supportive!
Another great interview, Angela!
Still can't believe you're moving to Florida... madness! And thanks for sharing, Angela. Fun back and forth between you and Deana! :D
I had lucky charms for breakfast, and now I'm eating chocolate chips out of the bag. Yeah, I'm being really good today... Anyway I think I need to pick up that book, sounds really good!
Also, I didn't know you were going to Florida. I'm a little jealous :)
Another great interview! Nice to meet you, Deana! Heading over to your blog now...
Angie, I didn't know you were moving away! This makes me sad. I like knowing you are only an hour away.
Thanks for the interview, Angie and Deana!
I'm fascinated that you have a character with MPD. I knew someone with MPD, and I definitely fall into the "believer" camp. Good luck with your story!
great interview! i love listening in on two sweet writers' chit chat about life & writing!
I like Southern accents too! I wish I had one. I also especially like the part about how Deana said that she takes little quirks from people to help create her characters. I think that's why people-watching can be so productive. People-listening (is that a word?) can also be productive, because adults say the darndest things too. :)
Thanks for the fun, Deana and Angie. Conference and laptop are GREAT gifts. Write on, you two. . .
I always end up breaking laptop keyboards. I don't know how. Maybe my characters are tired of fighting for time?
Excellent interview!
Okay, Deana, you're adorable! :)
Fun interview!! What a neat blog series!
When I finished Sing Me To Sleep I totally bawled, and then I read the end again and again.
Great interview!!
Fun interview! I love Vampire Diaries, too.
Great interview, you two! So fun that you got to meet in person.
Ladies! You are both amazing. I was dying yesterday when I couldn't read all of this. The migraine was not allowing much computer time. But this is awesome! Deana, I don't know how you do mornings. Wish I was better at that. Though I still have a little one at home. And you obviously have so many people that love and care about you. Those are amazing gifts! Lucky girl! I hope you guys will make Storymakers an annual event!!! Can I be part of it too?
And Angie... what the heck??? You are leaving Utah? Why am I just hearing about this? This is now a sad start to my day :(
I didn't know you were moving! I'm already jealous of your tan.
This was a great interview - both questions and answers. Great job ladies!
Such a sweet interview! Especially the Vampire Diaries references. :) Also, I need to read Deana's MS now--Mole sounds like such a fascinating character!
Great interview, Angie! Deana is one of my favorite virtual friends . . .hope I get to be so lucky like you and meet her in person some day:) The last bit you said about a computer on the doorstep brought tears to my eyes, how sweet! P.S. I'm a new follower, Angie--looking forward to more great interviews~chEErs!
You guys are so sweet! Thanks for all the comments:) How can anyone not love this blogging community!!!
Super fun interview. I popped over from Deana's blog. I have Kentucky roots so I feel a deep fried connection to Deana. Gotta read Sing Me To Sleep, thanks for the rec.
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