not a change girl. I like things boring and steady. I’m most creative when my
life is boring and steady. But my hubby LOVES change. He would change
everything all the time if I would let him.
change is sometimes just what your family needs. So my big news…
I’m moving
that is right. I’m trading sleepy mountainous American Fork Utah for sunny flat
Orlando Florida.
![]() |
These are the Mountains in my back yard! Aren't they amazing! |
feel just like you think I would—excited, sad, adventurous, stressed, eager, lost.
We’re moving in July so I have a little time to enjoy the dry Utah air, visit
family, and say good-bye to all my friends.
a slightly unrelated note, I’m going to finally take the plunge and jump into
facebook :) I’m ridiculous I know. This
way we can keep in touch better. When I finally do it I’ll let you all know so
you can come be my friends. I would appreciate it.
So tell me…have you ever
lived in Orlando or Florida? Have you ever moved across the country with kids
in tow? Tell me how it went.
Okay, where's Angie and what have you done with her?! Moving AND Facebook? :p
I've never been to Florida, but I have a couple of friends who live there. :)
Florida is awesome! I was born and raised here in South Florida. I'm about 2.5 hours south of Orlando. Hope you enjoy the heat. I'm sure you're in for a culture shock, especially the kids.
I did live in Indiana for six years while I went to school (with two kids), so we moved up and back together. The move is tedious.
Ah, man! It will be harder for you to attend writing conferences here. I hope they have a great writing community there.
I've lived in humid before. Not my favorite. And hurricanes.
But you'll be close to Disneyworld and HARRY POTTER! *jealous*
I absolutely LOVE Orlando. If I could bold and italicize LOVE I would. Congrats!
Moves are stressful, and I agree, I find it harder to focus on writing when there's tons of things going on around me. But I moved with my boyfriend to dc, since there weren't any jobs in Cleveland. In the end it was great, because you get to kind of reexamine what's important and get a fresh start to your daily routine. Good luck!
Orlando in July is not going to be fun - hot hot hot! But trust me, in November and December, when pretty much everyone else is freezing, you'll be sitting by the pool or walking on the beach. (Okay, that's what I do anyway.)
Orlando's got lots of cool stuff going on but another good thing is that it's pretty central so you can explore different parts of the state.
Oh, and there's a Florida writers' group (FWA) that has its annual conference in Orlando in October! (I've been twice.)
Okay, I'm done now. :)
Whaaaat? We will miss you in American Fork. At least I got to see you last weekend. Wow. Orlando. You guys are going to have a blast.
Never lived in Florida (visited only). Never moved with kids. Never moved across the country. So I have no advice to give. But I can wish you good luck!
Oh, excting! Congratulations!
You do know you are moving in one of the two hottest months in Florida. You will feel like you are drowning in the humidity. I've lived in Florida (yes, Orlando as well as several other areas of the state) and I've lived in Colorado Springs, CO. LOL!
Hopefully you have found a home as close to work as possible. The traffic has become a real issue and the major highways are toll roads. Get a Sunpass (you can order them online ahead of time and get your account set up) to save time and money.
If can, find a place with pool access (your home/apt, community, YMCA) to help your kids deal with the summer and meet new kids.
Be prepared to burn very easily...painful lesson to learn the hard way.
Check out the Disney resident passes, better deals and a fun place to visit. Disney Marketplace is free, another fun place to visit. No rides but still fun.
I'm sure I'll think of more, oh and we'll be wintering in Clermont maybe 30-45 minutes away. ;-)
Nooooooooooooo! Angie. How are we going to spoon if your in Florida? I feel like I just found you, and now I am going to lose you a little bit. Dang, I am raining on your parade! Sorry. It's awesome for you. A great adventure. A beautiful place to live. I will find a way to be totally happy for you. But JULY! Dude....
I AM SO JEALOUS! The hubby and I have been trying to move now for months and keep hitting roadblocks - jobs mostly. Good luck. Hope you love it!
I liked visiting Florida, but that humidity destroys my hair.
But Orlando has the Harry Potter theme park, so it would be worth living there. :)
Good for you, Angie. What an adventure this will be! So... can I stay with you when I go to Disneyworld? LOL!
You'll have the Harry Potter Castle in your backyard! and that's totally cool!
And we are going to party it up before you leave. I'll bring the casserole, fry sauce, and Jell-O since you'll probably never see them over there ;)
I've moved across the country (twice) once with less than two weeks notice, but never with kids. It's not easy, but I know a lot of people who live in Orlando (Wonderful World of Harry Potter FTW!) and they all seem to like it there.
Just remember to try and enjoy the trip from point a to point b. You might never be going through those areas again.
I move every couple of years, and I hate it every time, but I do it cause it keeps me from becoming a crazy horder lady.
Meaning, everytime I move I have to evaluate what I've collected and if it's truly worth collecting.
That being said, I don't have kids...or pets, or anything I have to be remotely responsible for save myself.
I wish you luck, moving is always exciting.
orlando is awesome!
people will visit you all the time! season passes to all the parks! so much to do and great weather!
i will visit you!
and i will look you up on facebook =)
I lived in Orlando for nine months. LOVED it. It does get very hot and humid from May through Septemberish but the mornings and nights are AWESOME during those times. SO excited for you!!!
Chad and I lived in Tampa. I love the sun and the humidity. I didn't even mind the midday rain showers. Alligators are pretty cool. If you don't have a small dog that is.
I've never lived in Florida, but I've been there! I absolutely love it. I'm totally a beach girl, and my hyperthyroidism makes it so that I get very, very cold during Utah's long winters. I'd be so psyched to move to someplace like Florida!
The humidity isn't the greatest, but once you get used to it it's all right. Plus, there's always Harry Potter world :).
Enjoy the sun and the sea, and best wishes for the trip. I don't have any advice except that you have to watch the sun set on the ocean whenever you can.
YAY!!!! So you all decided to do it? I know it will be different, but I think you'll like it...and hey, you'll be a lot closer to me since I am probably moving back to Bama:) How are the kids taking it?
Congrats on the big news! Hope your move goes smoothly. And you'll love Facebook, just make sure you friend me!
Holy crap! For reals?!?!? I haven't even partied with you and you're leaving me! :D
Wow. I'd be freaking out right now if I were you. Such a BIG change! But I'm excited for you!
How exciting! I wish you the best of luck on this adventure. Keep us posted on the journey. So very happy for you!
What the CRap! Are you freaking for real? I just met you and now your moving to Florida and you didn't tell me at the conference and now I've invested so much emotional energy into this I feel like I'm going to explode! gah! Really?
I'm so sad. And happy for you.
Oh, wow! How exciting! I've only been to Orlando to go to Disney World, but I highly recommend it! I hope the move goes smoothly!
Just imagine Florida is the flat part of Utah, below the mountains or imagine the Disney castle is a mountain. Best of luck with your move. We only moved with a six-month old, so I'm not sure how that works with older ones. Enjoy the dry air while you can.
Nooooooooooo!!!!! I'm sad. I wanted to plan things with you. Fun things. But I am happy for you and your family's new adventure. You better plan on coming to next year's Storymakers at least!
Wow, that is a BIG change. At least you will have alllthe fresh orange juice you want. Think of the change as writing fuel!
Also, someday you will be snatched up by an agent, I know it.
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