Juice and Nutella (don’t try it)
and Cleaning the Bathroom (I’m tired just thinking about it)
and Migraine Headaches (obvious)
and Mornings (also obvious)
heels and a Primary Calling (I’ve never walked so much at church)
and Typing (only if you want hot sauce dripping on your keys)
and Sandals (but I secretly wish they did)
and Navy Blue (you look like you tried to match an failed)
Now it’s your turn. Give
me a good one :)
Living in a seaside town, I see a LOT of socks and sandals in the summer. It never stops being annoying lol!
Toothpaste and Gatorade.
dill pickles and milkshakes
(my dad once TRIED to wear argyle socks with his sandals...I wouldn't let him out of the house!)
How about fries dipped in frosty's. Gross!
Or fruit in my salad. Also gross.
Coffee and yogurt - blech
Also white pants and big dogs. Or black fleece sweaters and Great Pyrennees dogs
Me and clothes.
Me and lotion.
Me and blankets.
Me and make-up.
Basically me and anything that touches my skin for long periods of time. I have issues. :)
Two-year-olds and china shops.
Haha, I love these! Hmm, what doesn't go together? Me and no coffee. That just won't work. :)
Orange juice and Nutella don't mix? But I love chocolate oranges. They're the bomb! Same with Oreos and OJ. Now, as to the socks and sandals...have you ever been to Seattle? Way too many folks here live by the socks and sandals credo. There's even a (Pemco) TV commercial about it. I wouldn't be caught dead in socks and sandals.
Let me just say that I'm slightly obsessed and addicted to Nutella :D
I would say tube tops and anything are not a very good match :)
Christmas sugar cookies and onion dip.
Hold on a minute ... Black and navy don't go together?
great list and addons in comments!
aging and gravity, they're both out to get me!
I'm with Samantha! I'm addicted to Nutella. But its good for us, right? haha.
Me and cooking. They most definitely don't go together.
And texting and driving. Shame shame to those who do.
Me and G-strings
And high heels shouldn't go with any calling! Esp. when you've got little ones you've got to drop off at nursery while trying to carry a hefty bag full of binders and unorganized papers, plus diapers and snacks that have leaked all over.
Me and the Superbowl (I usually go out to museums or the movies on the day of the Superbowl, because that's the one day of the year where there aren't any long lines.)
I know I shouldn't do black and navy blue. I do it anyway.
The words "Velveeta" and "Florentine" should never appear in the same recipe, but I'm sorry to say they do.
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