going to be offline for a few weeks while I try and get all this packing done.
It takes a lot of boxes to move to Florida. And patience. Boxes I have.
Patience not so much :)
I’ll try and get around to your blogs, but if I’m MIA for a while you’ll know
Good luck with everything - I can think of little more stressful than moving house!
Moving is such a drag. Hope everything runs smoothly for you!
Good luck! I hope the move goes smoothly!
Ugh! I can't even imagine! Hooooly... sounds epic.
Best of luck! Hope your new house has some good writing space!
If only I could wish a magic wand your way so that patience wouldn't be necessary. Since this isn't a Harry Potter novel, I'll have to send you a few packets of virtual patience and lots of well wishes as you make the move to Florida.
You're moving to Florida? What? Oh, Angie! I'm just sad because I saw us getting together for dinner sometime in the near future :) Good luck with the move!!!
I'm so sad you're moving!! We need to get together before you go. When is the big day? We can plan around it! :)
Good luck with the moving. And welcome to the east coast!
Okay, I had it in my head that this move wasn't happening so soon :( So glad you'll still be online, but still bummed we're losing an awesome Utah writer. Good luck with the packing and the move. HUGS!!!
Good luck with the move!
i hate packing and moving! But it's so nice when all of it is over.
Good luck, my dear! Packing sucks bigtime. :(
I feel your pain. I detest moving. And I only moved about 10 miles! I will send you positive thoughts (if only I could manage to produce some)>
See ya from Florida!
You're moving to Florida?!! Good luck! I hope you'll still make it to storymakers next year so maybe we can actually hang out.
Happy Packing!!
We'll miss you but I'm glad we're cyber friends so that you could move anywhere and we could still chit-chat :)
I hate moving but love Florida. I think you are going to love it there.
Sorry to hear it's stressful! All those boxes do get annoying, and knowing what to pack when... good luck!
Good luck! I hate packing because I always fear I forgot something. It's the ultimate: "Did I leave the stove on?"
I feel your pain.
I HATE moving.
It always makes me want to burn everything and start over.
Good luck with it...
I think we've moved 12 times in our 16 years of marriage. Needless to say, I NEVER want to move again and feel your pain too. Good luck with the move, the new state, the kids - everything!
Good luck with your move. I hope you have a fantastic transition, that the power, internet and water all turn on and off when they are supposed to, and that you don't lose anything on the way.
Watch out for those cardboard paper cuts. They're wicked.
Our house is filled with boxes right now too - so I completely understand! Moving is a long, drawn out process--especially when you have to continue to take care of all the real-life responsibilities (kids, meals, laundry). I really hope you enjoy Florida. I know you're arriving in the middle of summer - which is the unbelievable hot-humid-season. But around October, you'll love it! And keep loving it until next March/April. The 6 winter months make the summer worth it. So hang in there when you arrive and have to unpack in 90% humidity. Good Luck!
I hate moving! Usually the military moves us (which is hard enough) but when I choose to move home while he is deployed - like I did this time - we have to do it on our own. And I did it after he left so it was just me and some amazing friends/neighbors. I have a 2200 square foot house worth of stuff in a storage locker in Texas because I only brought the bare minimum to Utah. Even better, I get to do it again in 5 months! :) Good luck. Enjoy sunny Florida!
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