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Balance from SeeMidTN.com (aka Brent) |
want to blame my lack of blogging on Hurricane Isaac just pounding my city, but
all I got was a little bit wet :( I sure hope everyone else gets off so easy.
love blogging, I really do, but lately I’ve felt like it has been one epic fail
for me. I knew the move would take all my time, but I really thought once I got
settled down things would get right back on track and I would be blogging 5
times a week like normal. But it just hasn’t happened that way.
are days when I don’t touch my key board, and when I do I want to be writing.
So I’m going to go back in time about a year, when I was blogging not every day
and only when I had time or something worthwhile to say (but that is debatable
hoping this will ease a little of the “you must be superwoman” pressure I put
on myself. I need to learn balance, so this is my attempt.
I want to know—How to you balance blogging with the rest of your life?
I’m not going to lie, the whole “beware the pictures” thing has really hit me
hard. I miss them L
I think putting pressure on yourself with a blogging schedule is always tough. I only blog when I have something to say. If I had to stick to set blogging days, I'd be stretched to find enough interesting topics!
I find having the one set day - my Motivational Mondays - helpful but then the rest of the week is more flexible and I use that for all sort of Interesting (I hope!) posts. I feel much less pressure that way. I hope your new "schedule" works better for you! :)
(Yeah, we just got a little wind and wet, too, from Isaac. Thank goodness!)
I couldn't do it 5 days a week. I do 3, but only one is an interview (of sorts) with other writers and I only organize their answers. My 2nd is a set theme, my writing mistakes, which still are plentiful, but may dwindle. That only leaves me with my 3rd, which is writing about whatever.
I don't think I could just 'write' about whatever any more than one day a week. I don't know what I'd say.
So don't be hard on yourself if you cut back. Why force it if it isn't coming naturally. That's when it becomes a burden and isn't fun anymore.
I miss pictures too; I really liked the ones that I had included in my blog posts, which is why I wish I hadn't had to remove them.
I think it's perfectly fine not to blog every day. I used to blog three times a week, but it got to be too time-consuming. Now I usually just blog once a week, and I've seen other bloggers who only post once a week too.
I post when I have time or something to say. Sometimes it's few and far between. (I don't think I've posted something new in over a week, but I'll be back tomorrow.) :) I could never handle five times a week!
I blog twice a week and that seems to line up with me having something to say. I don't know how people manage to do it every day. You are amazing for having done it so long!
I miss pictures too :(
Truth be told, I've NEVER been a very good blogger. I post when the mood strikes. It's not professional, but it's kept the blog fun. I write about whatever, whenever I feel like it. I'd probably have more success the other way, but I also don't have the stress.
I think the picture thing is lame, too.
And I agree that balance can be hard to find. What I can do changes daily, so I've decided to go with the flow. If I'm not having fun with it, why am I doing it?
Also, this article from WriteOnCon really helped me see I don't HAVE to have a blogging schedule. Man, did that relieve some pressure. Check it out, if you haven't already.
I used to blog 5 times a week too. It can be taxing. I'm down to two times a week and I like it better. It's more manageable. Good luck!
Yeah, I hate not being able to post whatever pictures I feel like! How can I truly be happy without posting pictures of half naked men on my blog???!!! :) Is life worth living?
Haha, well personally I would love if you posted everyday because I love your guts that much, but I will take what I can get.
I am glad to hear Isaac hasn't blown you away! I was worried about that.
Oh, Angie. Honestly, I struggle to post even once a week, and I don't know why. It seems there should be more time in a day, but...
Like many of the above commenters have said, I will take what I can get from you :) Your posts are also worthwhile to read. But don't feel pressure to post more than you can...life is stressful enough without blog-anxiety :)
Oh, Angie. Honestly, I struggle to post even once a week, and I don't know why. It seems there should be more time in a day, but...
Like many of the above commenters have said, I will take what I can get from you :) Your posts are also worthwhile to read. But don't feel pressure to post more than you can...life is stressful enough without blog-anxiety :)
Okay - I meant "always" instead of "also" :)
Okay - I meant "always" instead of "also" :)
I just use one rule: if real life is more important, do that instead.
I've had this sort of problem myself recently. And I still haven't quite worked it out. At the moment I'm aiming to post just once a week, and not even on a specific day. It just seems like hard work to do it any more often at the moment, especially seeing as I don't always have a heap of ideas as to what to blog about.
I think your plan is a very sensible one, and I'm sure everyone will be happy with whatever you do.
Oh man I've SO been there before! I struggled with blogging three times per week last year right when I was starting college and I was thisclose to just quitting.
I reduced the number of times I posted per week and it made all the world of a difference.
Best of luck to you :)
I think you are wise. I keep trying to take the blog break. We shouldn't run faster than we have strength...right?
Initially I thought I would blog for one year after I retired to see which direction my life was taking. When the year was up, I found I missed it, so I started again giving the highlights of a month at a time. The daily stuff I post on Facebook.
I think everyone has to find what works the best for them and their lives/family. So I commend you, Angie, for seeking that. For me, that's posting once a week.
after i got thru the first year of blogging every day, i dedicated more time to writing & less to blogging. we have priorities and have to limit ourselves. less blogging is fine. we all have so many to keep up with, i'm finding less is more - less of me talking gives me more time to vist and more comments...do whats best for you!
I try to blog once a week at least, because I do think I need some commitment. However, I don't beat myself up if I post a little bit later than usual.
I try to blog every Wednesday and sometimes even that is a lot for me, lol. I often feel like nobody cares what I have to say anyways . . . I don't get the loads of comments like others do but I have plenty of "followers" so I'm not sure why. I try to always comment back to anyone who leaves one on mine and for sure visit a lot on Wednesdays when I commit myself to it. P.S. I miss when we didn't need to worry about the blog pics too!
I've been blogging once or twice a week until I get more people reading my blog and commenting. Once the readership builds up, I'll blog more.
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