
Friday, February 1, 2013

My FAVS of 2012

I know this is extremely late, but about a month behind seems like how I’ve been rolling lately—better late than never right?

I read 90 books in 2012—10 short of my goal, but still impressive. I was surprised how many books were just okay with only a few terrible ones. Here are 5 of my favorites. Add them to your TBR list.

CINDER—Best fairytale retelling I’ve ever read! Super creative with fabulous characters. This book is a great example of using more than one great high concept idea—Cyborg Cinderella in Asia, mixed with creepy invaders from the moon.

THE SCORPIO RACES—The writing in this book was AMAZING. Lyrical just like I like it.  It was so cool how Stiefvater mixed the macabre with the beautiful.

 THE NIGHT CIRCUS—This book was GORGEOUS! It’s a little bit of a slow moving story, but the fact that you want to stay in the world the author has created makes it worth it. The setting is just as much of a character (maybe more) then the actual characters. I seriously felt myself relax every time I opened it up. Fabulous writing!!! But if you are looking for plot you might be a bit thrown off.

FRIENDS AND FOES—I love Sarah Eden. She has such a talent for crafting believable and moving romances. I will read anything she writes.

SAVE THE CAT—AMAZING!!! Seriously, the best book on story structure I've ever read. Even though it is for screenwriters the principles really are universal for all storytellers. If you don’t own it, you should.

 Here are 5 other books that made my favorites list:
EDENBROOK – Julianne Donaldson
PALACE OF STONE – Shannon Hale
SHADOW AND BONE – Leigh Bardugo
LEGEND – Marie Lu

Happy Reading in 2013

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