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by MeSHaRi |
Have you ever
had an experience that changes your perspective? I did last week and I wanted
to share it with you.
I’ve been so
busy lately with family and church obligations that I’ve only had sporadic time
for writing. But I decided to make a plan to outline and start a new project I’ve
been eager about. I was starting on Wednesday and I was so excited.
I got up early
(which is a miracle for me) and I was all ready to go by the time my kids left
for school, then I got a call asking if I could help a friend because her 4
year old was in the hospital ICU.
This simple
thing changed everything for me. I love to write, but there are things more
important than writing. If we push off those important things like time with
family and helping friends we lose a great opportunity to grow.
Writing is important
to me. But sometimes it takes perspective to pull back on blogging, writing,
reading, social media and forwarding our careers to do the things that really matter. I want to
do what is TRULY important—nothing else really matters.
Hope your friends child is all right.
It's true though. We need to keep our priorities in the right place. Being a published author isn't worth loosing your family or eternal salvation over.
I hope everything turned out OK.
You're right, it's so easy to think writing is the most important thing in our lives, but then things happen to remind us it really isn't. We need to retain a sense of perspective to be a more rounded person, and therefore, a better writer.
Amen ;)
Let me know if you need anything :D
A beautiful reminder. You know what's important. I'm hoping your friend's daughter is okay.
In all things, we must be good humans first. Prayers for your friend.
So true, and good for you for recognizing it.
My husband told me last week he had the impression to tell me I need to focus on what's most important, and added he thinks the answer to that will be surprising.
I had been working so hard with homeschool, the house, church, family, service, etc., I knew it was the Lord's way of telling me it's okay to focus on writing for a bit. That's what's most important right now.
Good luck, Angie.
Oh dear! I hope the child is doing okay! What a wonderful friend you are for them.
I love this, Angie. I haven't been able to work on my own novel for over three weeks, which feels like months for me. But I've been doing other things that were more important for the time being. I'm hoping by next week I can write again, but most importantly, I hope I can keep putting first things first. Thanks for the reminder!
It takes wisdom to continuously categorize priorities and sacrifice your time and talent to serve others instead of building up yourself.
Bravo, Ang. You'll be blessed. :)
I totally agree. I don't actually remember the last time I wrote! Off to carpool for two mothers who work and need my help :)
Too right.
Thanks for this, Angela. I think it's so easy to forget--until we're reminded...
This is so true. It's hard sometimes, when we're all running around crazy, to keep priorities straight. A reminder is always appreciated.
I hope your friends' daughter is alright. So scary for them. They'll be in my thoughts...
Great post! I heartily agree! You can't say it any better than that! :D
Yes, I want to do things that are way more important than my writing and blogging, too. But it's so HARD to avoid blogging and commenting on blogs for just one day, I don't want all of ya think I disappeared or something's wrong with me.
I agree family and friends comes first before anything. Writing can go on the backburner for a little awhile.
Great post, Angie!
I hope everything turned out all right for you friend and her family. She was lucky to have a friend like you she could call for help.
i havent written a lot lately either. things that take priority keep coming up.
hope your friend recovers quickly. and you just moved there, how great you were there for her!
As much as I love writing, (and I really, really do love it) I'd drop it in a heartbeat if a child (not just mine, ANY one) needed me. They are always my priority. I teach and volunteer at church and people are always asking me, oh, it must be hard having to hang out with teenagers all the time. But to me, nothing could be further from the truth. It's such a blessing I get to work with those kids!
And I truly hope everything is alright with your friend's child.
Ouch. I hope everything turned out alright at the hospital.
Wow, that would definitely change your perspective. I hope your friend's child is all right!
Well said. I have to remind myself of that sometimes when I'm really focused on a project.
It's all about priorities. We must find out where writing fits in our lives and put things ahead and behind it accordingly. Good for you for putting it in its place! :)
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