First off—Thanks
to the talented Tara Tyler for the fun new header. The cartoon version of me is
much thinner than the real life me. I think I could put 100 cartoon me’s down
my bra :)
I’ve been kind
of slammed with life so I’ve been a lazy blogger, and all I have for today are
a few random thoughts.
Thought #1—I’m am the luckiest girl. I’ve got the
best CP’s and they write awesome stuff. I’ve read 3 manuscripts in the last two
weeks. Emily, Kelley, and Cassie—I love your work, all for different reasons.
![]() |
My mood swing Princess |
Thought #2—I was driving my 7 year old daughter
home from school and she said, “I hate having mood swings. Well, the going up part
is good, but I don’t like the coming down part.” Amen sister! AMEN!
Thought #3—If someone could figure out a way to
extract the calories from chocolate, I would vote for them to be president of
the world regardless of political ideals :)
Thought #4—I never realized how politically eye opening
living in a battle ground state could be. Did you guys know Mitt Romney
invented the ebola virus and personally set it loose in Africa? Or that Pres.
Obama moonlights as a sniper/stripper in Vegas on the weekends. (I think this
one might be true. I’ll have to ask Jessie Humphries)
Thought #5—There’s no fall chill in Florida. I’m
still wearing my sweaters anyway!
Love you all!
Have an awesome weekend :)
Lol to number four!
I LOVE your header, Angela. I didn't know Tara was so talented.
Yes!!!!! for #3. I agree.
Ouch on #4. Looks like these two guys are very productive. Will they have time to be prez with all the other things they are doing?
#4 made me laugh.
We live in a state that is ignored, because we only have one electoral vote. And if the constitution based it only on population, we'd get like 0.0001 vote. (I made that figure up btw. I'm too lazy to calculate what percentage 650,000 is out of 300,000,000).
Hmm, maybe a candidate should run on a platform devoted to chocolate? :)
And as for living in a battle ground state, it's only going to get worse. I tend to just mute or fast forward over any and all political commercials. :)
The new look is gorgeous. Amen on the chocolate.
*giggles over political part of the post*
Your daughter is so pretty!
Haha, your daughter is too cute! And very wise. Love the new header!
7 and acknowledges mood swings? you're in trouble!!
and so glad you like your header, let me know if you want me to add some pounds...ha ha! i like to think these divas are how we see ourselves =)
This header is AWESOME. Have a great weekend Angie dear :)
These are great, especially the one about mood swings! :) Too true!
I can't wait for this election to over. And if you happen to find a candidate who can do number 3, then I'm all for him/her.
This post makes me all kinds of happy, especially #4. I bet Jessie caught Obama at 'da club' one night and had a word with him, lol :)
Lovely new blog header! If someone could take the calories out of chocolate, they could raise my taxes all they wanted!
There isn't much of a fall in Texas either, but the scarves are too cute to pass up. Have a great weekend!
Oh, Angie, you make me smile. As for #2, wait until she hits puberty!
Hilarious! Wouldn't that be lovely if they ACTUALLY extracted calories from chocolate? I would be eating Lindt chocolate all day long and night...bad idea, probably would get a terrible stomachache! LOL :)
Your daughter is ADORABLE! And I'm sort of glass full on the mood swing thing, now you guys can bond over it ;)...ummm assuming you have them too!
Oh my gosh. You are SO funny. I didn't know that about our presidential candidates. :)
We're a 'battle ground' state too. With the Gov Walker recall and senate crap and yada yada I'm just ready to get these political ads off my TV!!!
Luckily the Music Choice channel doesn't have commercials :)
#4 definitely made me laugh! Like your random thoughts and have a great weekend...!
So funny Angie!! Mys sister lives in the south and has a fireplace...if the temperature dips even slightly, she has to run out and buy wood just to say she used it!
Your header is right from your book! I LOVE IT! And I totally think you're that thin in real life. Except for maybe your bra size. (Can you say boob envy?)
I'm spoiled by YOU, my lovely CP.
Your daughter is hilarious. Wanna know what insightful bit my son said tonight? We were talking about regret, and how it can eat at your heart, and he said, "Kinda like having a rock in your shoe." SO SMART! Who are these children? Gah, we're so blessed.
Keep shining, Ang. :)
Great thoughts. I've always wondered how things were like in a swing state. I've only know deep blue and deep red ones. :)
Hilarious :)
I'm jealous of your weather...
50 and RAINING...
If you don't need the sweaters, you must have great air conditioning!
Ha Ha! Too funny! I will vote with you on #4. Your daughter is hilarious. I live in Nevada so we are also a swing state and are being harassed left and right over the election. Since I'm in Vegas I'll check on the Obama stripper thing. ;)
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